9 Celebrity secrets of Weight-Loss. (After 36 hours of Research)

Zaigham Abbas
4 min readSep 24, 2021


Tired of diet plans, workouts, lengthy articles on weight loss? Don’t lose your potential because you don’t need any science and strategies to stress your mind.

We all love celebrities with their slim bodies, taut bellies, and perfectly fit dresses. But we’re surprised that how they do that in a matter of weeks.

Here I found those celebrity secrets of weight loss for you after hours of research, and by the end of this blog post, I trust that you’ll know exactly How to quick-start with these secrets.

Let’s just get this out there:

1: Coconut Oil

So, you’re wondering that how can I lose weight with coconut oil? Weird. But yes! This is one of the secrets of our celebs. You have to consume a spoon full of coconut oil daily. The reason behind this is that the nutrition experts say that it will move your digestion fast and flush out the system.
(You can stir one spoon in your morning coffee — it’s awesome)

2: Cold Shower

Yes! A cold shower makes you a little bit skinnier. The celebrity tells about this secret that I turn the water to cold for the last 3–4 mins when I’m showering. It will make you feel a little slim day by day.

3: Singing and Dancing

If you like one of these, then you can easily lose weight and enjoy it too. But how? A celebrity returned from a trip and found a secret that singing your favorite songs with stupid dance can get your energy up. And you can really lose some pounds.
Singing your favorite song as loud as you can with some freaky steps that you like can be a lot better than running on a treadmill. Also, it will boost you up.

4: Elimination of Crap Diet

We think that it is hard to eliminate our diet, but if you want to lose weight and make you feel like a celebrity’s dazzling body, then you have to do some eliminations in your diet. So, the celebs’ secret is that you have to cut a laundry list of food that can disturb your digestion, cause allergies, junk foods, etc. This is one of the best tips for those who want to lose weight fast.

5: Drink Coffee Daily

A celebrity says that she drinks a couple of coffee daily. Because coffee is a great way to get metabolism whirring. Also, the caffeine in the coffee can improve your outer skin and even reduce the appearance of cellulite.

6: Stop Sugar

You might probably know that some celebrities avoid sugar, right? But you don’t know that sugar is the main factor in weight gain. Food and drinks that contain sugar are high in calories, and that’s the main reason for weight gain. So, eliminate the sugar in your life, and you’ll see a huge difference in your weight

7: Wellness is your goal

The secret is that focus on your wellness, not on weight loss. This is one of the best weight loss tips because, when you focus on your wellness through a healthy diet and exercise or whatever, it will get your metabolism whirring, digestion fast, and body in shape. So, bear in mind that your goal is wellness.

8: Hot Water

We know that water is very crucial in our daily life. So, when I was researching, I found a vital secret of a celebrity. She drinks a big mugful of hot water in the morning and then again before bed. It helps you clean yourself out as well as clears your skin.

9: Green Tea and Vodka

Green tea has numerous benefits, you know… But one of the main benefits is that it can burn your fat very fast. So, one of the celebrities says that she drinks green tea all day and a little vodka at night (vodka for fitness).

How to Quick-start with these Secrets

Here’s the real kicker,
If you want to get a quick start for weight loss, you have to take action today. So all you can do is take a notebook and start writing your schedule. You might be wondering what I do with this. Relax, buddy! First, you have to make your daily wellness routine, as I mentioned in one of the secrets that wellness is much more important than losing weight (when you are fit and healthy, you’ll automatically see the difference, “understand this concept”). And, then you have to put these secrets perfectly in your daily routine, for example, the first thing in the morning is a mugful of hot water, etc. Trust me, apply these secrets in your daily routine, and you’ll see the difference in the coming days.

Bottom line:

To quickly recap, here are some action steps:

  • “Life is not a cup of tea! It’s all in how you make it” So if you want to change anything in your life, you’ll have to take action today.
  • We recommend that, make your daily schedule along with these amazing secrets for high results.
  • In essence, don’t stress out about the weight loss, your only goal is wellness. So, bear in mind that you have to struggle for your health and fitness because this will automatically show that you lost a large number of pounds.



Zaigham Abbas

Freelance Content Writer. Skills: SEO, blog and article writing.